Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker, Up to 33 kV

- Compact design
- Low operational load
- Low Maintenance
- Minimal fire hazard
- Low noise level
- Extended life

The closing mechanism includes the following indications:
- Breaker on/off
- Spring charged or discharged
- Operation counter
The cabinet is also equipped with following features, wherever required.
- Local on/off switch
- Local/remote switch
- Anti pumping relay
- All necessary fuses and wiring.
The special features OFVp range provides customers are :
- Simple assembly
- Few moving mechanical components
- Low energy mechanisms
- Light weight construction
- Ease of erection
- Reduced foundation
- Suitable for high speed auto reclosing and capacitor switching
- Protection against hazardous environments

In addition to transformer and feeder switching where outdoor vacuum circuit breakers are widely used, OFVp-36 is capable of switching circuits for following applications. The circuit breaker is ideally suitable for capacitor switching up to 5 MVAR rating. OFVp-36 type Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker is suitable for switching of arc furnace transformers up to 50 operations per day.

Applicable Standard: IEC60056
Type Designation: OFVp-36
Normal Voltage: 33kV
Rated Voltage: 36 kV
Frequency: 50 Hz
Normal rated current: up to 1600 Amps
Short circuit breaking capacity: up to 25 kA
Rated 1 minute Power frequency withstand voltage: 75 kV rms
Rated impulse withstand voltage: 170 kV peak
Nominal creepage of bushings
Support - 910 mm
Interrupter housing - 910 mm
Duty cycle 0 full breaking capacity:
Normal - 0-3 MIN - CO- 3 MIN-CO
Auto reclose - --0.3 sec-CO-3 MIN-CO